Get The Tools To Take Control Of Your Life

Learn to take control of your life and get you “head back in the game” so you can live the life you love.

One in four men struggle with overwhelming stress, being down in the dumps and not going too well.  With the Bloke Therapy PIVOT tools you’ll quickly and easily learn to get out of your head and on with your life so you can be a better husband, a better father and a better man.

At Bloke Therapy we know that you want to be a better husband and a better father and better man.

In order to do that, you need to be strong and successful.

The problem is you’re stressed, not going too well and down in the dumps.

This makes you feel weak, worthless and like a failure.

We believe life is too short.  You shouldn’t have to waste it struggling with poor mental health – no one should feel that way.

We understand you.  We care about you living the life you love.  A happy life.  That is why I’m excited when I see my last 30 clients recording an average effect size score of 1.53 (The effect size score provides a way to look at my effectiveness as a psychologist at helping you to change – and the bigger the effect size the better.  Effect sizes look at your change on important life measures such as – personal well-being, family, close relationships, work, school, friendships and general sense of well-being.   (As a point of comparison, the effect size often reported for the highest standard successful therapy trials is .80).

Here’s how we do it:

So, book your appointment.

And in the meantime, here’s the Men’s Mind Quiz to see where your mental health is right now.

So you can stop being a burden to others and distancing yourself from everyone.  Move beyond blue.

And instead be present and engaged with your wife, kids, friends and your life.

Bloke Therapy has several principles that guide the business.  Here they are…


Bloke Therapy is primarily an educational business, teaching blokes the principles and practices they need to get out of their head and to live the life they love.  There are a number of educational Bloke Therapy Treatment Programs, which you must complete sequentially, to you take control of your life.


If you apply the tools and strategies from the Bloke Therapy Treatment Programs you will see real results.  You can expect to see the following…

 You’ll keep it together, even when life is “hitting the fan” -You don’t plan for life to go the way it does.  And when you are being eaten up by stress, anger and feeling “down in the dumps” there is much less likelihood of life going in the direction you want.  When you stop engaging with your negative “stories” that will no longer be an issue.

 You’ll consistently live your valued life – Good thinking leads to a good life.  When you know what to think and when to think it, you’ll start living more of the life that you value – and do more of the things that really matter to you.  You’ll also suck the oxygen out of your negativity.

 You’ll struggle less with life – It’s a matter of learning what actually works to “keep your head in the game.”  No silver bullets here, just scientifically proven approaches that work well for blokes, no matter how much you struggle or what you struggle with.

 You’ll rediscover your enthusiasm and passion for life – When you are relaxed and present-focused you’ll have more fun, especially with your family.  Anger, frustration, stress, struggle and self-doubt lessen or disappear.  Your renewed energy and vitality allows you to engage family, friends and work mates with confidence – they won’t believe their eyes.

 Fun – I am as committed to having fun through this as I am to getting results.  In fact, I believe that you live your best life when you do have fun.  This doesn’t mean that we waste precious time – yours or mine – clowning around and telling jokes – (Ok, there might be a bit of that).  When it comes to implementing change and forming new thinking skills and habits, having a light attitude is not only desirable, it keeps you motivated and inspired.

 New Treatment Paradigm – The old school, last century therapeutic approach was all about arguing or disputing your negativity away.  But this approach doesn’t work for most people, it just adds to your sense of failure.  I use a new, next generation, scientifically proven paradigm that is about acknowledging the “nasty stories” and then sidestepping them.  The chart below shows the difference between these two models…

Old Treatment Paradigm New Treatment Paradigm
Negativity Focused Life Focused
Focused On What’s Wrong Focused On What You Want
Busy Trying To “Feel Good” Focused On Living Your Life
Short Term Long Term
Breaks Down Under Pressure Consistent Quality Of Life
Intimidated By Negative Thoughts Side Step Negative Thoughts
Lack Of Control Complete Control

Based on Experience -The information included in the various Bloke Therapy Treatment Programs is all based on direct experience of what works to help you consistently live the life you want to live. I’ve worked with clients “at the coalface” for over 25 years, so you can be sure there is nothing theoretical or hypothetical about the ideas I expound.  If it works and fits the New Treatment Paradigm, I use it and I teach it to my clients.

Based on Science – Bloke Therapy is all about providing very simple, easily remembered  methods which are the application of state-of-the-art psychology principles to help you live the life you love.  Everything I do is based upon published and field-tested scientific research.

Based on A Simple System – I use various strategies to help you simplify your thinking.  But at the end of the day you learn a clear, concise method for quickly and effectively dealing with your “stuff.”  This is the PIVOT model, and this allows you learn, grow and chase the life you love – and see how your joy grows as you go on that journey.

Now that you have a better idea about the results you can expect by working with me and my approach and philosophy of working with clients, find out a bit more about me.